Pirate Maidens Wiki

Eclipse-AW Eclipse-AW 1 March 2013

Opinions on Good Guilds, or ways to make your Guild better.

This is just a collection of my thoughts on building a better Guild.  It's mostly opinion based, and I'm sure that arguments can be made against any of these points.  For the most part, I think this is common sense talking, but I still want to throw this article out there.  Anyway, I'll explain my thinking on Guilds in Pirate Maidens.

The most important element of a Guild is the Guild Leader.  The Guild Leader cannot be changed and cannot be kicked from the Guild or their position.  The Guild Leader makes most, if not all, of the important decisions for the Guild.  The Guild Leader is the "face" of the Guild and is the most easily found member of any Guild.  Essentially, the Guild lives and dies, and thrives with the Guild Leader.  If the G…

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Eclipse-AW Eclipse-AW 4 February 2013

The Super Cheerleader Box, or a short rant on why Eclipse hates his luck right now.

This one will be mostly uninformative, so read on if you just want to see me rant about something.

...still here? >.>

Okay, so there's this Super Cheerleader Box thing that has a Light Admiral Harpo I've been drooling over.  And seriously, I want that card, because she almost singlehandedly invalidates my previous blog article!  She's amazing!  So I decided to test my luck and buy a few of these boxes.  And you know, I never pulled her.  Not once.  Believe me, I tried.  My wallet knows it.  But you know what REALLY sucks about this box?

Battle-wise Athena being in the box.

Yeah, that's right.  I'm bitching about getting the most powerful card in the game.

I don't know if you guys know this, but this Athena is my fourth.  Quatre.  Cuatro.  Yon. …

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Eclipse-AW Eclipse-AW 30 January 2013

Attack vs. Defense, and why you should never lose when attacking.

One of the most frequent questions I'm asked in the game is "should I concentrate more on Attack or Defense?".  Although I am a firm believer that you should always have a solid defense, I believe in attack way more.

While writing a page for this Wiki, "ATK/DEF to Cost Ratio at Max Level", it was made even more abundantly clear to me that defenders have the worst time in this game.  If you take a look at that page, you'll see that I've listed pirates according to their cost ratios relative to attack and defense, but also if they have a relevant skill or not.  Even with a quick glance, the number of attack skills beat out the number of defense skills by a ratio of more than 7:1.  I realize that the data on the page is incomplete, but this is…

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