Pirate Maidens Wiki



The Take Saraid's Treasure Event is a Rescue Event in which players collect Keys and can spend them in hopes of rescuing limited edition pirates. Additionally, there is a global reward for every player based on how many Keys are spent in total over the course of the event.

Occurrences: ?


Players can acquire Keys from the following methods:

  • Winning a Guild Battle: +1
  • Personal Brawl Victory: +1 (chance)
  • Pillage in Story: +1 (chance)
  • Login Bonus: +4
  • Gold Rescue: +4
  • Tidal Wave Rescue: +44

Keys can be spent on the Key Rescue for 20 Keys per rescue, or on the Super Key Rescue for 40 Keys per rescue. The Super Rescue guarantees a limited edition pirate, while the Regular Rescue has a chance of Pixies as consolation. See next section for the contents of the Event Rescue.


  • A player has a better chance of getting a Key from a personal brawl victory if the opponent has a higher level than the player.
  • A player has a higher chance of getting a Key from a personal brawl if the opponent has a defense skill activate.
  • Keys can only be found in the latest Chapter, Act, and Episode of the story.
  • Login Bonus is the same, regardless of the winning nation and your currently aligned nation.
  • Players do not receive Pirate Tickets from the Gold Rescue or the Tidal Wave Rescue during the event.
  • Players can find the Limited pirates in the Gold Rescue, and are guaranteed at least one from a  Tidal Wave Rescue.
  • Boxes of Keys could be bought from the shop with varying numbers of Keys.

Key Rescue[]

Players either rescue a Limited Edition Pirate or a Pixie as consolation.

Limited Edition Pirates:


Brawl Ranking Rewards[]

To Be Implemented

Global Player Reward[]

Rewards are given to all players based on each threshold of Keys spent.

Global Player Reward
Reward # of Keys


Kienna gold
Reesa 3star gold
Fire Walker Melone gold


Reesa 4star Gold


Fire Walker Melone gold


Hall of Fame[]



This event was bugged in which the Pirate Shop sold boxes of keys for 0 gold, allowing players to easily obtain event cards.