Pirate Maidens Wiki
Silver Tongued Leopard Boudica
Silver Tongued Leopard Boudica (with magificient glass)

Rarity ★★★★★★
Cost 38
Nation Bellator
Type Corsairs
Combo Type Dandy Combo0001
Release Date Jul 28, 2014
"What's the big hurry? Oh, you called me? Got it. Time for the warriors to step in. You'll get front-row seats for this!"
— Silver Tongued Leopard Boudica

Leopard is one of of Bellator's elite Five Tiger Generals. She's a top-class warrior, but also a uniquely renowned stage actress. She often plays gallant male heroes, and has many, many female fans. She's one of the most talented and showy of the Five Tiger Generals.


Lvl 1 : 2300
Max  : 4850
Max+: 6305

Growth: +20

Lvl 1 : 3500
Max  : 10300
Max+: 13390

Growth: +60

Growth Progression: [2-80]

Skill: Top Star
Bellator DEF +25%


Enhance Value:
1000 experience

Dismiss Value:
6720 pence


Personal Ranking Reward during the Battle for Treasures Event


Non-English details
Japanese name
Chinese name
Voice file
Voice actor (J)
Voice actor (E)