Pirate Maidens Wiki
Red Nosed Ruby

Rarity ★★★★★
Cost 40
Nation Sanctus
Type Gypsies
Combo Type Dandy Combo0001
Release Date Dec 24, 2013
" Today I’m experimenting with a new spell. It’s gonna be hilarious. Primrose and Lapis and the other boob monsters are gonna get it. Wanna see? "
— Red Nosed Ruby

Ruby is the youngest of Sanctus’ Circle of Ten, a magical prodigy. She was planning to spend Christmas going over her forbidden tome. Somehow, a Christmas miracle seems to have let her experiment purify what was once corrupted magic...


Lvl 1 : 3200
Max  : 5475
Max+: 7117

Growth: +20

Lvl 1 : 4100
Max  : 8700
Max+: 11310

Growth: +60/50/40

Growth Progression: [2-16][17-36][37-60]

Skill: Ruby's Mischief
Dandy Girl DEF +15%


Enhance Value:

500 experience

Dismiss Value:

? pence



Non-English details
Japanese name
Chinese name
Voice file
Voice actor (J) 高木恵
Voice actor (E) Takagi Megumi