Pirate Maidens Wiki
Pirate Maidens Wiki
Red Lightning Azel
Red Lightning Azel Gold HQ

Rarity ★★★★★★
Cost 37
Nation The Alliance
Type Corsairs
Combo Type Combo Wild0001
Release Date Sep 18, 2014
"What Richard told me was to gather all the power I could and rule the seas. Crazy, right? But he was serious, and I don't have time to slack off."
— Red Lightning Azel

Azel is the top pirate of the western continent. He's not only strong, but popular and smart. Richard has put tremendous trust in him, and hopes he can achieve even more.


Lvl 1 : 5600
Max  : 13112
Max+: 17045

Growth: +70/60/50

Lvl 1 : 2700
Max  : 5475
Max+: 7117

Growth: +20

Growth Progression: [2-27][27-?][?-85]

Skill: Top Joker
Alliance ATK +20%


Enhance Value:
1000 Experience

Dismiss Value:
5700 pence


- Gold/Tidal or 5 Maps Rescue during the Princess Rescue Mission


Previous Stats:

Cost = 38

Lvl 1 : 3900
Max  : 10987
Max+: 13145

Growth: +?

Lvl 1 : 2600
Max  : 5350
Max+: 6955

Growth: +?

Growth Progression: ?

Skill: ?

Non-English details
Japanese name 紅い稲妻アゼル
Chinese name
Voice file
Voice actor (J) 三浦勝之
Voice actor (E) Miura Katsuyuki