Pirate Maidens Wiki
Rabbit Princess Sable

Rarity ★★★★★★
Cost 35
Nation Bellator
Type Corsairs
Combo Type Combo Saucy0001
Release Date Sep 18, 2014
"Okay, who's next! Just admit defeat and I'll let you off easy! But bad kids who won't do as they're told get punished!"
— Rabbit Princess Sable

Sable uses rollerskates to execute all sorts of tricky moves to play with her opponents. She's been known to give light taps with a mallet that makes a cute squeaky noise, but a full-force swing will leave you in agony.


Lvl 1 : 1900
Max  : 4350
Max+: 5655

Growth: +20

Lvl 1 : 6650
Max  : 14062
Max+: 18281

Growth: +?

Growth Progression: ?

Skill: Boop!
Bellator DEF +25%


Enhance Value:
1000 experience

Dismiss Value:
5250 pence


- Gold/Tidal or 5 Maps Rescue during the Princess Rescue Mission


Non-English details
Japanese name 闘兎姫セーブル
Chinese name
Voice file
Voice actor (J) 三好由希子
Voice actor (E) Miyoshi Yukiko