Point Rescue (or Wink Rescue) is one of the four available rescues in Pirate Maidens.
There is one Free Rescue available daily. Each additional rescue costs 200 Winks.
Multi-Rescue costs 2000 Winks for 11 pirates.
The rescues provides Pirates with a rarity ranging from Normal to Rare+.
Current lineup[]
It is possible to rescue the following pirates:
- 4★ Enhance+ Reesa
- Flailing Hagane
- Dashing Ruby
- Dark Sorcerer Ellete
- Wind Talker Manyu
- Expert Engineer Dharma
- Antique Gun Mirta
- Musketeer Idola
- Big Pistol Misha
- Water Bearer Livonah
- Trustless Piculet
- Smouldering Lynn
- Luau Larissa
- Orient Assassin Sasha
- Wet Hair Claire
- Lone Wolf Zera
- Unyielding Lyrit
- Sly Honey
- Cosplay Lael
- Grill Master Bysen
- Sergeant Ellan
- Black Iron Bull Mitra
- Smasher Winona
- Cyborg Zola
- Eros the Matchmaker
- Sea King Parks
- Dashing Riley
- 3★ Enhance+ Reesa
- Twin Sword Dancer Pendra
- Healer Eris
- Sharp Ear Sierra
- Vanessa the Crusher
- Mysterious Aradia
- Summoned Morna
- Sniper Cecil
- Opal the Tactician
- Bird Messenger Lewan
- Lonesome Marlene
- Poison Priestess Solace
- Presley the Vicious
Since summer 2014 all ★ & ★★ have been removed from wink rescue. Nonetheless some of them still figure in the game line up as possible rescue. In some extremely rare case, you can rescue one of these. It is currently unknow if it is a glitch.
2★ Enhance+ Reesa(still in official line up)Seeker LanaSpearhead Saffron(still in official line up)Golden Gun AmandaHealer Jetta(still in official line up)Death Strike DianaSea Pythoness AiriSignet-Caster Ohara(still in official line up)Cannon Blaster AldaGuardian Zamara(still in official line up)
Officer Estella(still in official line up)Magical Seal Caster Janae(still in official line up)Penny the CheerfulTreasured Sword Uma(still in official line up)Nimble LarissaCaptain EirnyHealer FeniaWar Maiden Parley(still in official line up)Iron Ball Tania(still in official line up)
Removed pirates[]
The following pirates have been sent to Davey Jones Locker (i.e. removed from the Jolly Roger Rescue):
Name | Remove date |
Rhea the Wise | 2013-11-12 |
Tabia the Red | 2013-11-12 |
Elf Mage Plum | 2013-11-12 |
Bard of the Stars, Caprina | 2013-11-12 |
Healer Fenia | 2014-04-? |
Golden Gun Amanda | 2014-04-? |
Seeker Lana | 2014-04-? |
Two-Fan Shion | 2014-04-? |
Maiden Tina | 2014-04-? |
Replaced pirates[]
Name | Remove date | Replaced date |
Guardian Zamara | 2013-11-12 | 2014-04-? |
Sea King Parks | 2014-04-? | 2014 Summer |