Pirate Maidens Wiki
Nomad Amethysta
Nomad Amethysta HQ (with Magnificient Glass)

Rarity ★★★★★
Cost 45
Nation Bellator
Type Corsairs
Combo Type Combo Saucy0001
Release Date Sep 8, 2014
"I'm not cut out to be the leader. I think I'm better off in a supporting role... I don't do well under pressure!"
— Nomad Amethysta

Amethysta is a warrior from a nomadic people who wander the world and never settle down. She has considerable sword skills, which she uses to protect her friends from beasts and bandits. Her people are considering making her leader, but she doesn't consider herself worthy.


Lvl 1 : 3000
Max  : 5225
Max+: 6792

Growth: +20

Lvl 1 : 4500
Max  : 9312
Max+: 12105

Growth: +50

Growth Progression: [2-60]

Skill: Unfettered Sword
All DEF +15%


Enhance Value:
500 experience

Dismiss Value:
? pence


- Personal Ranking Reward during the Demon Battle Event


Non-English details
Japanese name
Chinese name
Voice file
Voice actor (J)
Voice actor (E)