Pirate Maidens Wiki
Pirate Maidens Wiki
Mad Scientist Sintra
Sintra Gold

Rarity ★★★
Cost 14
Nation Maquina
Type Bounty Hunters
Combo Type Combo Saucy0001
Release Date Unknown
Encounter Message: Ah! Experimental subjects!
"What a cruel state we are in right now. Nevertheless, savor this pain, because I'm about to turn you into something that will not feel any pain."
— Mad Scientist Sintra

The assistant director of Maquina's Armory Research Institute, or the Lab for short. She shows up on the battlefield to transport injured soldiers back to the Lab.


Lvl 1 : 1200
Max  : 2043
Max+: 2655

Growth: +15

Lvl 1 : 1900
Max  : 3643
Max+: 4735

Growth: +35

Growth Progression: [2-30]

Skill: none


Enhance Value: 150 experience

Dismiss Value: 1260 pence


-Persuade boss in Maquina, Chapter 10, Act 1.

-Persuade boss on Floor 160 in the Cloudscape Event.

Bonus Story Information[]

Related to Bonus Story 13 for Kraken Draught (Cup) x2 - additional requirements: Gunner-Mage Fleur



Pre-censor version of the card

This card has remained censored, though most censored cards were switched back to their uncensored Japanese version during October '13.

Non-English details
Japanese name 狂科学グノーシス
Chinese name
Voice file
Voice actor (J) 櫻岡美優
Voice actor (E) Sakura Okamiyuu