Pirate Maidens Wiki
Flailing Hagane

Rarity ★★★★
Cost 39
Nation Bellator
Type Corsairs
Combo Type Dandy Combo0001
Release Date Jul 18, 2014
"I take it this costume is out of the ordinary for you? For us the clothes here are quite strange. Not that that means you should be staring. That could have dire consequences."
— Flailing Hagane

Hagane was a ninja from the eastern island nation of Jipangu, but the ship she was on got caught in a terrible storm. After drifting at sea for a time, Azeyn rescued her. Since shen she's shown no inclination to leave his crew.


Lvl 1 : 2450
Max  : 4162
Max+: 5410

Growth: +20

Lvl 1 : 3850
Max  : 7012
Max+: 9115

Growth: +40

Growth Progression: [2-45]

Skill: Mist Shroud Tecchnique
Bellator DEF +15%

Event Skill: Battle for Treasures LV 1
Damage in Battle for Treasures 30% UP


Enhance Value:
300 experience

Dismiss Value:
3,978 pence


- Event rescue during the Battle for Treasures Event

- Point Rescue


Non-English details
Japanese name 不忍のハガネ
Chinese name
Voice file
Voice actor (J)
Voice actor (E)