Pirate Maidens Wiki
Pirate Maidens Wiki
Eternal Lovers Hallie & Rory

Rarity ★★★★★★
Cost 59
Nation Maquina
Type Bounty Hunters
Combo Type Combo Saucy0001
Release Date Nov 20, 2014
"You're amazing. Rory! I'm so crazy about you that it's hard to breathe!" "I'm the one that should be saying that, Hallie. You're the only one who can make me feel this way!"
— Eternal Lovers Hallie & Rory

A painting of there demise in the burning castle still can be seen in the remote part of Maquina. Hallie loved Rory, even after he was changed into a stuffed animal. Their legendary love has now left front stage, leaving them in their own secluded peace.


Lvl 1 : 5200
Max  : 10450
Max+: 13585

Growth: +40

Lvl 1 : 5000
Max  : 10220
Max+: 13260

Growth: +?

Growth Progression: ?

Skill: Flight of Love
Saucy Girls ATK +25%


Enhance Value:
1000 experience

Dismiss Value:
? pence


Purchased in the Sapphire Trading Post (4th ver.) for 350 Sapphires.


Non-English details
Japanese name 悠久の恋人ハル&ロック
Chinese name
Voice file
Voice actor (J) 落合隼亮&青木瑠璃子
Voice actor (E)