Pirate Maidens Wiki
Pirate Maidens Wiki
(Bling) Armored Xara

Rarity ★★★★★
Cost 30
Nation Sanctus
Type Gypsies
Combo Type Dandy Combo0001
Release Date Nov 12, 2013
"Are you talking about my pirates? Yes, they are nice people. Oh, they loot and kidnap occasionally ... But they only do that to bad people. Please don't hate pirates."
— (Bling) Armored Xara

A noble's daughter who was kidnapped by pirates. She learned to work hard on the ship and is loved by the entire pirate crew. Anyone on the ship would sacrifice their life for her.


Lvl 1 : ?
Max  : 4850
Max+: 6305

Growth: +?

Lvl 1 : ?
Max  : 9625
Max+: 12512

Growth: +?

Growth Progression: [2-?]

Skill: Light Fortitude
Sanctus DEF +10%


Enhance Value:

500 experience

Dismiss Value:

? pence


- Booty Booster Pack V4